Importing motors, submersible pumps, marine cables and the latest solar energy systems
Feel free to reach out to us for a free consultation
Importing motors, submersible pumps, marine cables and the latest solar energy systems
Feel free to reach out to us for a free consultation
Importing motors, submersible pumps, marine cables and the latest solar energy systems
Feel free to reach out to us for a free consultation
Established in 1982, Eamar for Contracting, Well Services & Solar Energy is a company specialized in drilling groundwater wells, doing soil research, maintenance and disinfection of previously-constructed wells, and implementing all types of irrigation and drainage networks. READ MORE The company has carried out the necessary studies and adjusted the design of submersible pumps to obtain greater performance and quantity of water with less electricity consumption. This was done in accordance with the S.P.A model, resulting in becoming one of the best submersible pumps in the Egyptian market due to its distinctive performance, which is also compatible with solar energy. Emaar has partnered with major Chinese companies in the field of solar energy. It has made the necessary adjustments for the pump and motor models, and in fact a large number of problems have been solved and it has produced new models and new capabilities from which we obtain high performance and efficiency and are very suitable for solar energy projects. The company obtained a proxy for submarine cables from Turkish company TURKAB, which has standard specifications in this type of electric cables. The company, in its maintenance centers, assembles electrical panels with Japanese and Korean components, with standard specifications, and with Egyptian hands. Established with the aim of carrying out ground research and drilling all types of water wells and drainage wells, building pump stations, pipeline networks, and land reclamation, conducting geological studies, participating in research and studies in the desert and the Nile Valley, and providing consultations in the field of well drilling, a commercial agent and an authorized distributor for major Turkish companies.
We aspire to lead and strive to provide drilling services with international specifications to achieve our vision Work safely - work efficiently - enhance the use of technology - continually improve performance and add value to everything we do.
A company specialized in the field of well drilling, all its tasks, submersible water pumps and the exclusive agent of Turkish SPA pumps.
Importing the latest solar energy systems and contracting with major companies, the most important of which is the international company JA SOLAR
We want to hear from you – feel free to reach out at anytime
Hundreds of customers depend on our services
Founder and general manager of Eamar Contracting, Well Services and Solar Energy.
Administrative support official and contribute to setting the main goals of the institution
Responsible for promotion campaigns, communication operations and overseeing the company's sales.
Responsible for the import and public relations movement a company
Our team is always available to assist you.
+048 2677741 01224534590 +02 01211330245 +02
Zhour Mall, 3rd Floor , Sadat City, Menofeya, Egypt